CAC Hosts Visiting Research Associates from Spain and Germany - Read article.
Electrical and Computer Engineering Students Named 2012 Falvey Scholars - Read article.
Dr. Yimin Zhang Named Faculty Fellow for Air Force Summer Program - Read article.
Dr. Moeness Amin Publishes 500th Paper as 裡橖眻畦 Faculty Member - Read article.
Dr. Moeness Amin Awarded Research Contract from Defence Research and DevelopmentCanada - Read article.
Dr. Moeness Amin Contributes Two Chapters to Online Encyclopedia - Read article.
CAC Signs 10th International Memorandum of Understanding - Read article.
Dr. Moeness Amin Joins Editorial Board of IEEEs Signal Processing Magazine - Read article.
Dr. Fauzia Ahmad Secures CAC's First ARO Research Award - Read article.
Dr. Moeness Amin interviewed on "Good Morning Montenegro" - Read article.
Center for Advanced Communications Honors Benjamin Franklin Medal Winner - Read article.
Dr. Moeness Amin Shares Personal Insight into Egyptian Revolution - Read article.
Dr. Moeness Amin Elected Fellow of the Institute of Engineering and Technology - Read article.
Dr. Moeness Amin Wins One of 10 Chief of Naval Research Challenge Awards - Read article.
Dr. Moeness Amin Represents 裡橖眻畦 Engineering at U.S.-Egypt NSF Regional Conference - Read article.
Mr. Christopher Thajudeen, a Ph.D. student in the Antenna Research Laboratory (ARL), won the first prize in the 2010 FEKO international student competition. Chris' paper entitled "From Electrically Small Ultra-Wideband Antennas to Large Scale Building Imaging; Using FEKO to synthesize Full Building Through-the-Wall Radar Imaging Scenarios." The paper was co-authored by Dr. Wenji Zhang, a post-doctoral fellow in ARL. The research included in the paper was supervised by Dr. Ahmad Hoorfar, ECE professor and Director of ARL. This student competition is organized annually by FEKO to support engineering education and to promote innovative academic use of FEKO electromagnetic simulation tools. This year award winners and summary of their research are listed at:
Dr. Ramazan Demirli Presents Tutorial at IEEE International Ultrasonics Symposium - Read article.
Dr. Moeness Amin Published as Editor of New Book, Through -the-Wall Radar Imaging - Read article.
CAC Awarded Air Force Contract for Next-Generation Over-the-Horizon Radar Development - Read article.
Dr. Moeness Amin Shares Expertise, CAC Resources with International Partners - Read article.
Dr. Moeness Amin and NATO Task Force Receive Scientific Achievement Award for Through-Wall Sensing - Read article.
CAC Broadens International Partnerships for Signal Processing and its Applications - Read article.
CAC Welcomes Graduate Students from the Grenoble Institute of Technology The Center for Advanced Communications (CAC) is hosting two Masters of Science candidates from the Grenoble Institute of Technology in France during the spring semester. Mr. Xavier Pons i Masbernat and Mr. Xavier Rivenq are pursuing Master degrees in Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Automation and Signal Process program. They are spending five months at CAC, conducting research in the Radar and Ultrasound Imaging as part of their graduate studies program. The radar imaging problem is concerned with detection of moving targets using change detection techniques, whereas the ultrasound imaging research is geared towards detection of anomalies and cracks in material through nondestructive testing approaches. Both students decided to come to CAC for its reputation in applied signal processing and its impressive facilities.
Office of Naval Research Awards $355,000 to the CAC for Compressive Sensing and Sonar Research - Read article.
CAC Secures $1.2 Million from NSF for Advanced Acoustic and Antenna Research - Read article.
2010 ICASSP Plenary Talk given by Dr. Moeness Amin - Read article.
Dr. Amin Recognized by Australian University for Collaborative Efforts - Read article.
Dr. Moeness Amin's paper with the former Postdoctoral Fellow , Dr. Genyuan Wang has received the 2010 IEEE Signal Processing Transactions "Best Paper Award." The paper is on a novel technique for Through Wall Radar Imaging, and it is titled "Imaging Through Unknown Walls Using Different Standoff Distances," published in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, Volume 54, Number 10, October 2006. The Best Paper Award examines key papers with fundamental contributions published in the Transactions over the last FIVE years. This is the first time the CAC receives Best Paper Award for Journal Publications. The Award will be presented at a Ceremony at the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing which will be held in Dallas, Texas, on March 16, 2010.
Dr. Moeness Amin Invited to Serve on IEEE Signal Processing Society Overview Board - Read article.
Dr. Moeness Amin Lectures at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) Dr. Moeness Amin, Director of the Center for Advanced Communications, gave an invited lecture at the Signal Processing Laboratory, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland on August 21st, 2009. The talk was on Emerging Signal Processing Techniques for Imaging, and was part of a half a day technical visit to the Institute. While there, Dr. Amin discussed with several Faculty the new developments in target classifications and object recognitions with applications to biomedical engineering and radar systems.
ChinaCom 2009 Best Paper Award was received by Drs. Yimin Zhang, Xin Li, & Moeness Amin. Dr. Yimin Zhang, Research Professor at CAC, Director of the Wireless Communications and Positioning Lab, and Director of the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Lab, with his colleagues Dr. Xin Li, a post-doc research fellow at the CAC, and Dr. Moeness Amin, the Director of the CAC, received a best paper award from the Fourth International Conference on Communications and Networking in China (ChinaCom09), for their coauthored paper Distributed Beamforming in Multi-User Cooperative Wireless Networks. The conference was held in Xian on August 26-28, 2009. ChinaCom, which brings together Chinese and international researchers in networking and communications under one roof, is being positioned as a premier international annual conference for the presentation of advances in the field of communications, networking, and Internet research and applications.
The CAC Begins Collaboration with the Army Research Laboratory - Read article.
CAC Honored Benjamin Franklin Medalist at Workshop
The Center for Advanced Communications (CAC) co-sponsored a half-day workshop to honor Dr. Lotfi A. Zadeh, winner of the 2009 Benjamin Franklin Medal in Electrical Engineering and inventor of Fuzzy Logic. The workshop, titled Fuzzy Logic and Its Applications was held on April 22, 2009 in the Connelly Center, Cinema Theater. According to the award citation, Dr. Zadeh was recognized for his invention of fuzzy sets and pioneering research in soft computing new paradigms for solving problems in control systems, decision networks, artificial intelligence, and neural systems. Dr. Moeness Amin, Director of the Center for Advanced Communications and a member of the FI Committee on Science and the Arts, hosted the Workshop which was attended by more than 150 people - View pictures
Dr. Moeness Amin Is Selected to Receive EURASIP's Technical Achievement Award - Read article.
CACs Collaboration with BFTP Serves as International Model - Read article.
Dr. Moeness Amin Gives Lecture at UCLA on Through-Wall Imaging - Read article.
Center for Advanced Communications Signs Memorandum of Agreement with Ain Shams University - Cairo, Egypt
The Communication Systems Engineering of the New Credit Hours Program, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University in Cairo, Egypt (ASU) and the Center for Advanced Communications (CAC) in 裡橖眻畦s College of Engineering have signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA).
CAC Director Moeness Amin Serves as Guest Editor for Prestigious Journal Paper - Read article.
Grad Student Lead Author on Third Place Prize Paper
Ms. Shamsha Lakhani co-authored an award winning paper with Drs. Ahmad Hoorfar and Robert Caverly titled Fixed and Reconfigurable Dual Wideband and Very Wideband Antennas Using Half E-Shaped Patch Elements. This paper was awarded 3rd place in the best student paper competition at the 2008 IEEE Sarnoff Symposium held in Princeton, NJ held April 28-30, 2008. This year there were close to 40 student papers in the competition.