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Engineering Professor from Saudi Arabia Visits Center for Advanced Communications

Saudi Engineering Professor Visits Center for Advanced Communications
Dr. Ali Muqaibel examines radar signal returns from pipes and walls

Dr. Ali Muqaibel, an associate professor at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM) in Saudi Arabia, is spending the summer at 裡橖眻畦 Universitys Center for Advanced Communications (CAC). His two-month visit is supported by a grant from KFUPMs International Summer Scholarly Program.

Aimed at exposing faculty members to cutting edge research experiences abroad and creating opportunities for international research collaborations, the selection process for this program is highly competitive. Only a very small percentage of proposals submitted are awarded and they are typically given to KFUPM faculty planning to visit the worlds top research universities. The CACs recent distinction in an NSF report as an excellent and rare example of how to sustain and grow a research operation in a smaller university was noted by the selection committee and played a key role in awarding Dr. Muqaibel this prestigious scholarship to visit 裡橖眻畦. 

Dr. Ali Muqaibel co-authored the first chapter of Through the Wall Radar Imaging, published by CRC Press (2011) and edited by Dr. Moeness Amin, Director of the Center for Advanced Communications. His visit is expected to establish collaborations between the CAC and KFUPM research groups, leading to joint publications and projects.