

IIE provides guidance and support for two undergraduate minor programs in entrepreneurship.

These intensive programs allow students to learn and understand the basics of generating ideas, finding opportunities, starting and managing an entrepreneurial venture. These programs are open to all students. 


AAH 0420 – Creativity & Marketplace
CHR 8868 – Creativity in Counseling
CHR 8871 – Creativity in Counseling
CMGT 1094 – Creating Competitive Advantage
COM 3260 – Creativity in TV Production
CSC 3070 – Emerging Technology Trends
CSC 5930 – Mobile Phone Applications
ECE 5990 – Intro to Entrep Egr Mgr
ECO 3127 – Economics of Underdeveloped Areas
ECO 4200 – Economics of Art & Entertainment
EDC 0363 – Creative Arts in Elem Schools
EDU 8868 – Creativity in Counseling
EGEN 1800 – Creativity and Innovation
EGEN 2100 – Creativity and Innovation
EGEN 2200 – Engineering Entrepreneurship I
EGEN 2300 – Soph. Entrep. Practicum I
EGEN 3100 – Engr Entrepreneurship II
EGEN 3200 – Engr Entrepreneurship III
EGEN 3300 – Jr. Entrep. Practicum I
EGEN 3400 – Jr. Entrep. Practicum II
EGEN 4100 – Engr. Entrepreneurship IV
EGR 1800 – Creativity and Innovation
EGR 7001 – Mgmt of Tech & Innovation
EGR 7004 – Technology Entreprenuership I
EMB 1051 – Innov. & Entrepreneurialism
ENT 2020 – Entrepreneurship Mgt
ENT 2021 – Entrepreneurship Mkt
ENT 2022 – Entrepreneurship Fin
ENT 2023 – Entrepreneurship Practicum
HRD 8324 – Strat Thinking & Creativity
HRD 8347 – HR Innovation

LAW 5001 – Business Acquisitions
LAW 5002 – Business Planning
LAW 5015 – E-Business
LAW 7048 – Intellectual Property
LAW 7058 – Law & Entrepreneurship
MAC 8230 – Innovative Fin Instru/Sec
MBA 8525 – Entrepreneurship
MBA 8529 – Global Social Entrepreneurship
MBA 8532 – Leading Change
MBA 8535 – Being an Entrepreneur
MBA 8730 – Mgmt. for Innov. & Creativity
MC 3006 – Creative Fundamentals
MC 3019 – Creativity & Advertising
MC 3020 – Creative Mkt & Imagination
MC 3021 – Creativity & Selling an Idea
MC 3027 – Creative Problem Solving
MGT 2208 – Global Social Entrepreneurship
MGT 2210 – Small Business Management
MGT 2212 – Leadership
MGT 2400 – Mgt of Creativity & Innovation
MGT 3360 – Ind Top: Entrepreneurial Exp
MGT 8325 – Entrepreneurship
MIS 2040 – Systems Analysis & Design
MS 0201 – Innov Team Leadership
PMP 8678 – Creativity in Proj. Management
PSY 3005 – Creativity Problem Solving
SAR 4008 – Art as Agent of Social Change
THE 2051 – Creativity in Theatre
THE 3010 – Mindfulness & Creativity
VSB 3900 – Innovation and Design Practicum