Journal for Peace and Justice Studies
The Journal for Peace and Justice Studies publishes work from a variety of disciplines, including, but not limited to, education, law, nursing, philosophy, theology, social and political theory, and public policy.

The Center for Peace and Justice Education has produced the Journal for Peace and Justice Studies biannually since 1988. The Journal publishes peer-reviewed scholarship from a variety of disciplines, including philosophy, theology, social and political theory, and public policy, on substantive problems of peace and justice. The opinions expressed in articles and reviews are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publishers, editors, or the Center for Peace and Justice Education, 裡橖眻畦 University.
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Faculty Research
Our faculty and affiliated faculty have written books, presented papers and received national recognitions.
Eugene McCarraher, PhD, The Enchantments of Mammon: How Capitalism Became the Religion of Modernity, Harvard University Press, 2019
William Werpehowski, PhD, and Kathryn Getek Soltis, PhD, Virtue and the Moral Life: Theological and Philosophical Perspectives, ed., Lexington Books, 2016
Rick Eckstein, PhD,How College Athletics Are Hurting Girls' Sports: The Pay-to-Play Pipeline,Rowman & Littlefield, 2017
Camille D. Burge, and Cindy D. Kam, , Political Research Quarterly, 2019
Camille D. Burge, Melissa Hodges, and Rio Rinaldi. 2019. Politics, Groups and Identities, 2020
Billie Murray, Who Are We, Where Are We, and What Can We Do? The Place of Localized Activism in the Global Extraordinary Rendition and Torture Program, Western Journal of Communication, 2017.
Billie Murray, The Sphere, the Screen, and the Square: Locating Occupy in the Public Sphere Communication Theory, 2016.
Kathryn Getek Soltis, Church Life Journal, 2019
Kathryn Getek Soltis, Raising Our Kids: Social and Theological Accounts of Child-Rearing amid Inequality and Mass Incarceration, Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics, 38 (1): 95-112, 2018
Carol W. Anthony, Modelling Malcolm: Teaching Whiteness through the Life and Work of Malcolm X in Images of Whiteness, ed. Clarissa Behar and Anastasia Chung (Brill, 2019).
Tim Horner, Toxic Justice: Catholic Social Teaching and Genocidal Ideology, 2013