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A Junior Setting her Course

Meet Megan Sarles from Duxbury, Mass.

Meg Sarles '19 CON

Megan (Meg) Sarles was born into a 裡橖眻畦 family before stepping on campus, her parents, Suzanne 85 COE and Richard 85 COE, had introduced her to the traditions, the strength of a 裡橖眻畦 education and the power of our alumni network. However, it was the 裡橖眻畦 University College of Nursings strong reputation and proximity to nationally ranked hospitals that attracted Meg to give her parents alma mater a closer look during her senior year. After touring the University and meeting with Christa Gardner, Director of Recruitment and Admissions, College of Nursing, Meg truly felt how dedicated the Colleges staff and faculty was to her future success as a health professional. She knew she found her fit.

Growing up, Meg always knew she wanted to help people and was deeply interested in how the mechanics of the human body. She honed-in on her interest and began to explore her potential as a nurse in middle school, she knitted hats for NICU babies, began volunteering freshman year of high school at Beth Israel Hospital in Plymouth, Mass. and shadowed a family friend at Brigham & Womens Hospital in Boston. After witnessing the nurse-patient relationship and interaction, she realized how truly interesting and rewarding a nursing career would be for her.

The Duxbury, Mass. junior remains active on campus she is a member of Campus Ministry where she assists in planning and leading off-campus student retreats and works in the College of Nursing Learning Resource Center as a patient teaching associate and peer mentor. Additionally, Meg is involved in Nursing without Borders and the Student Nurses Association of Pennsylvania. Megs love of sailing is still strong, but her activities and studies have kept her away from the water during the school year.

Upon graduation, Meg will be one of the first health care professionals in her family (she can be often found taking vital signs at family parties and gatherings). And, as junior, she has begun to reflect on her education and plan for her future, beyond the hallowed halls of Driscoll. Before I came to 裡橖眻畦, I never fully understood the impact that a nurse has on patients. Although the entire health care team works together to treat the patient, the nurse is the one caring for people in their most difficult moments. The nurse is in the room, making a difference in that persons life.  When looking into the future, Meg sees herself working in an emergency department I love fast-paced environments and Im always up for a challenge.