College of Nursing co-sponsors simulation conference
On May 14, the College of Nursing is co-sponsoring, with New York-based Simulation Studio, a conference called The Art of Human Simulation: Creative Takes on An Emerging Field. The event will focus on the innovative use of individuals and actors in simulation-based education and assessment. Any professional interested in human simulation can attend the conference, including faculty, standardized patients (SPs), SP educators and administrators, standardized clients (legal education), mannequin-based simulation educators, mental health actors and educators. The conference is free of charge to attend. Lunch will be available at your cost.
The conference will be held in the Driscoll Hall Auditorium from approximately 9 AM-3 PM. Time will be confirmed as the date approaches and the final schedule is set. Attendees must pre-register. To learn more, contact Colleen Meakim ( or 610-519-7955).
Planned sessions include:
- Let Me Debrief You
- "Creating Families: Increasing Empathy Through Articulated Role Play."
- "Dr. Franklin and His Gout: How Ben Franklin teaches medical school students in Philadelphia
- "The Moulaging Room: What Happens When The Disaster is the Hospital"
- "How To Get Got" - SP characteristics who work at a national board in Philadelphia
- Children As Standardized Patients
- Healthcare Theatre: Transforming Interprofessional Education
- Post-traumatic Stress Syndrome
- Expanding your Case Pool by Simulating Scars and Injury
- "House Party Gone Wrong"
- Using Simulations to Evaluate Human Factors in Surgical Resident Candidates