Awards, Ballots, and Elections

Each year several awards are given to faculty members who have distinguished themselves by their contributions to the University. Descriptions of all awards and a list of past recipients is on the Awards page of the Provost's website. The Faculty Congress also presents a staff award* once per year.
Nominations for Faculty Awards
- Teaching Awards - The four teaching-related awards are Outstanding Faculty Mentor Teaching Award, Faculty Award for Innovative Teaching, Pohlhaus-Stracciolini Award for Teaching Excellence, and the Junior Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching. Read more here.
- Research Awards - These awards recognize excellence in research, scholarship, and contributions to profession. Faculty members can be nominated for the the University Scholarly Achievement Award, and the University Mid-Career Scholar Award. (The Outstanding Faculty Research Award is selected by a committee consisting of the Vice Provost for Research, previous award recipients, and additional faculty representatives, including members of Faculty Congress. The nomination process is described at the link above.)
- Service Awards - Faculty members can be nominated for the Gallen Faculty Service Award, University Mid-Career Service Award, and the Lafferty Award.
Staff Award
- Facultas Award - The Facultas Award is presented once each year by the Faculty Congress, on behalf of the faculty as a whole. The award recognizes staff from a variety of areas to celebrate their diverse contributions to the university community. The 2024 Facultas nomination period will occur in mid-January, 2024.
*note that a number of staff awards are presented each year, as well, by the ΈΜιΩΦ±²₯ Staff Council.