The cost of attendance (also known as a budget) is the average cost of attending ΈΜιΩΦ±²₯ University for the year (fall and spring semesters). It is comprised of direct and indirect costs. Direct costs are items that the student will be billed for, such as tuition and fees, whereas indirect costs are expenses the student is not billed for but may need funding for, such as transportation, supplies, etc.
*The 2025-2026 Academic Year's Costs will be posted by March 1st.
2025-2026 Academic Year
2025-2026 Academic Year
Direct Costs (billable)**
Tuition: $69,846 (semester tuition rate: 34,923)
Student Services Fee: $980
Housing: $9,870*
Food/Meals: $8,650*
Books: $550
Indirect Costs (non-billed)
Supplies: $560
Personal: $1,450
Transportation: $850
Loan Fees: $58
Total Estimated Cost of Attendance: $92,814
*This is an estimate. Actual charges are based on room and meal plan selected. If your housing status is not on campus, then the housing and meals amount is not billable. This represents your housing and meal allowance for financial aid purposes.
Depending on your program of study, you may be assessed additional fees.
Additional fees may be assessed, please visit the Bursar's website to view all fees.
While not included in the determination of your eligibility for financial
aid, students that need health insurance may purchase a plan through the
University at a cost of approximately $2,481 a year.
2025-2026 Academic Year
Direct Costs (billable)
Tuition: $69,846 (semester tuition rate: 34,923)
Student Services Fee: $980
Books: $550
Indirect Costs (non-billed)
Supplies: $560
Personal: $1,450
Commuter Costs: $2,650
Transportation: $1,070
Loan Fees: $58
Total Estimated Cost of Attendance: $77,264
Depending on your program of study, you may be assessed additional fees.
2024-2025 Academic Year
2024-2025 Academic Year
Direct Costs (billable)**
Tuition: $66,838 (semester tuition rate: 33,419)
General Fee: $508
Student Health & Wellness Fee: $430
Housing: $9,444*
Food/Meals: $8,250
Orientation Fee: $274***
Books: $550
Indirect Costs (non-billed)
Supplies: $160
Personal: $1,450
Transportation: $850
Loan Fees: $58
Total Estimated Cost of Attendance: $88,812
*This is an estimate. Actual charges are based on room and meal plan selected. If your housing status is not on campus, then the housing and meals amount is not billable. This represents your housing and meal allowance for financial aid purposes.
***Incoming First-Year and Transfer students are charged the Orientation Fee, returning students are not charged this fee.
Depending on your program of study, you may be assessed additional fees.
Additional fees may be assessed, please visit the Bursar's website to view all fees.
While not included in the determination of your eligibility for financial
aid, students that need health insurance may purchase a plan through the
University at a cost of approximately $2,481 a year.
2024-2025 Academic Year
Direct Costs (billable)
Tuition: $66,838 (semester tuition rate: 33,419)
General Fee: $508
Student Health & Wellness Fee: $430
Books: $550
Indirect Costs (non-billed)
Supplies: $160
Personal: $1,450
Commuter Costs: $2,500
Loan Fees: $58
Total Estimated Cost of Attendance: $72,494
***Incoming First-Year and Transfer students are charged the Orientation Fee, returning students are not charged this fee.
Depending on your program of study, you may be assessed additional fees.
2024-2025 Academic Year
Direct Costs (billable)
Tuition: Dependent on Amount of Credits, view on Bursar's website
General Fee: $30
Books: $170*
Indirect Costs (non-billed)
Supplies: $160
Federal Loan Fees: $79
Housing: $10,310
Food: $8,250
Transportation: $850
Miscellaneous: $1,450
Total Indirect Costs: $21,269
*Books will be dependent on enrollment, listed above is the amount for students enrolled part-time.
2024-2025 Academic Year
Direct Costs (billable)
Tuition: Dependent on College Program, view on Bursar's website
General Fee: Dependent on College/Program, view on Bursar's website
Books: $110*
Indirect Costs (non-billed)
Supplies: $160
Personal: $1,450
Transportation: $2,903
Loan Fees: $216
Housing: $9,791
Food: $4,196
Miscellaneous: $9,500
Total Indirect Costs: $28,216
*Books will be dependent on enrollment, listed above is the amount for students enrolled part-time.
2024-2025 Academic Year
Direct Costs (billable)
- Second Degree Accelerated Express Cohort starting Summer 2023: $12,750 each semester
- Second Degree Accelerated Flex Cohort starting Fall 2023: $8,500 each Semester
- Second Degree Accelerated Express Cohort starting Summer 2024: $13,125 each Semester
- Second Degree Accelerated Flex Cohort starting Fall 2024: $8,750 per semester
Books: $550
Indirect Costs (non-billed)
Supplies: $160
Off-Campus Housing: $10,800
Food: $8,250
Personal: $1,450
Transportation: $850