
Dates and Deadlines

Key Dates Calendar

Deadline: November 1

Required Applications & Documents:

  • 2025-2026 
    • *  Available on or before December 1st - must be completed upon its release.
  • 2025-2026
    • Please note that if your legal parents do not live together, both of your parents (your custodial parent and your noncustodial parent) will need to complete a separate CSS Profile
  • If any student and parent/stepparent (custodial/noncustodial) are required to file a tax return, please submit a signed copy of their 2023 Federal Income Tax Return, along with all schedules, forms, and W-2s to IDOC.

Estimated Aid Notification: December 15

Deadline: December 1

Required Applications & Documents:

  • 2025-2026 
  • 2025-2026
    • *Please note that if your legal parents do not live together, both of your parents (your custodial parent and your noncustodial parent) will need to complete a separate CSS Profile
  • If any student and parent/stepparent (custodial/noncustodial) are required to file a tax return, please submit a signed copy of their 2023 Federal Income Tax Return, along with all schedules, forms, and W-2s to IDOC.

Aid Notification: April 1

Deadline: January 15

Required Applications & Documents:

  • 2025-2026 
  • 2025-2026 CSS
    • *Please note that if your legal parents do not live together, both of your parents (your custodial parent and your noncustodial parent) will need to complete a separate CSS Profile
  • If any student and parent/stepparent (custodial/noncustodial) are required to file a tax return, please submit a signed copy of their 2023 Federal Income Tax Return, along with all schedules, forms, and W-2s to IDOC.

Early Decision II Estimated Aid Notification: February 15

Regular Decision Aid Notification: April 1

Deadline: May 1

Required Applications:

  • 2025-2026 
  • 2025-2026 CSS

**Federal Income Taxes and other documents may be requested at a later date

Aid Notification: 2nd week of July

Deadline: November 1

Required Application:

  • 2025-2026 


**If the FAFSA is received by November 1, 2024, BSN Express students will receive their award notification by December 15, 2024.

Deadline: May 1

Required Applications & Documents:

  • 2025-2026
  • 2025-2026 CSS
    • *Please note that if your legal parents do not live together, both of your parents (your custodial parent and your noncustodial parent) will need to complete a separate CSS Profile
  • If any student and parent/stepparent (custodial/noncustodial) are required to file a tax return, please submit a signed copy of their 2023 Federal Income Tax Return, along with all schedules, forms, and W-2s to IDOC.

Aid Notification: Rolling Basis