裡橖眻畦s IACUC is now utilizing the Cayuse Animal Oversight platform for all animal research protocol applications. In order to make the transition from paper to Cayuse applications as easy as possible for researchers, the Office of Research Protections (ORP) has transferred the current version of the paper protocol into CAYUSE on researchers behalf. New researchers that are creating their first protocol should email for access to Cayuse.
To register for the first time through 裡橖眻畦, find 裡橖眻畦 University in the organization list. Follow the subsequent prompts to set yourself up as a learner. For more details, see the or the CITI registration manual below.
If you have completed the required modules within the last two years at another institution, please link your existing CITI profile to 裡橖眻畦. Instructions for doing so are at the first link above or in the CITI registration manual below.
Each course module consists of instructional text, related case studies and a quiz. The quiz can be retaken until a minimum passing score of 80% is achieved. If you have any questions about this program, please
Online CITI Training Course Requirements
Faculty & Staff
- Financial Conflicts of Interest Disclosure (University requirement)
- Responsible Conduct of Research (University requirement)
- Conflicts of Interest (University requirement)
- Working with the IACUC Course (IACUC requirement)
- Species Specific Modules (IACUC requirement)
- Aseptic Surgery Module if applicable (IACUC requirement)
- Animal Biosafety (IACUC requirement)
For FCOI disclosure, please contact the COI Office with your VU user name and department. FCOI disclosures are not normally required for students.
Animal Handler Training
For more information contact your PI.
Medical Surveillance Program
For more information see the Resources Page.
Wildlife Research Permit Information
If you are new to working with live vertebrate animals, please contact the