Showcasing undergraduate scholarly work

Caite Cutler, Kaitlin Divinnie, and Alex Litvinov with Dr. Suzanne Zamerowski, their faculty advisor for their nutrition project in health promotion.
The 2nd Annual Undergraduate Nursing Scholar's Day was held on April 26th from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. in Driscoll Halls lobby. The campus community was invited to review and discuss with the traditional and accelerated adult students their poster presentations. The event was coordinated by Prof. Marita Frain and Dr. Bette Mariani.

Cover of an information brochure by Dr. Zamerowski's group which promoted healthy eating in cognitively challenged clients.
Sources of presentations include projects and papers by students in their Psychiatric Mental Health, Nursing Research, Leadership, and Health Promotion courses. In order to be a poster presenter, students were required to submit an abstract of their scholarly work and submit a faculty recommendation.
Students and their topics are listed below. Many of the students were recorded talking about their work. Click on their video links to the right.
Students | Presentation |
Jillian LaFond |
Sim Chart: An Electronic Care Plan |
Catherine Egan, Amy Lay | Technology Safety Program at Visitation BVM School |
Allison Behette |
Sara Nicol, Mary-Claire Rocha, Natalie Monti, Molly Gilmore, Samantha Cembrook | |
Victoria Daubert |
Osteoporosis Knowledge and Preventive Behaviors among Freshmen Nursing Students |
Bridget Carroll, Ferdesa Bauta,Deanna Gillison, David Sauerhoff, Amanda Ward, Mary Luistro, Elizabeth Flannelly, Katelyn Dalina | |
Courtney Orteli, Suzanne Finley, Marisa Sinishtaj, Caroline Haughey, Mary Shuma,Tessa Braga, Lisa Rivera, Abigail Lewis | West Chester: A Population Assessment Project |
Catherine Cappazolla, Lauren Honeycutt, Jessica Fuentes, Sarah Curran, Tara Mullen, Clare Kohler, Megan Copel, Hilary Dutton | Nicaragua: A Population Assessment Project |
Sarah Sheerin |
Nora Hammond, Erica Whitney, Aurora Vandewark, Maureen Lynch, Jessica Lee, Elizabeth Fijal, Kelsey Yasak | Nursing + Social Justice: Nursing Without Borders |
Caite Cutler, Kaitlin Divinnie, Alex Litvinov, Abby Morrissey, Isabella Palermo | |
Kerry Schindler, Brooke Bettis, Elena Sciulli, Lindsey Jandoli, Samantha Scordino, Jessica Tovar, Samantha Wu, Karla Talisayan | |
Megan Copel |
Hilary Dutton |

Jill Lafond

Victoria Daubert

Karly McBreen

Amy Lay and Catherine Egan