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University Events

All events should be submitted to the using the .

Accessing the Event Submission Form

Staff, Faculty & Graduate Assistants: In order to access & make submissions to the Event Submission Form, ΈΜιΩΦ±²₯ staff, faculty and graduate assistants need to complete the . Once the training course has been completed, the individual will receive information via email within 2 business days on how to access the form.

Students: Students leaders looking to plan events for their student organization should refer to the Office of Student Involvement or other sponsoring office for assistance in submitting an event to the University Events Calendar.

External Guests: Individuals external to the University community who are interested in hosting an event on campus should contact the ΈΜιΩΦ±²₯ University Office of Conference Services at conferenceservices@villanova.edu.

Event Coordinators' Network

The Event Coordinators' Network (ECN) is a collective of staff and faculty involved in event planning & execution on ΈΜιΩΦ±²₯'s campus. The mission of ECN is to provide all ΈΜιΩΦ±²₯ns with resources and development opportunities to help them plan successful events on ΈΜιΩΦ±²₯'s campus.

ECN holds several meetings each semester, ranging from lunch & learns to hosting guest speakers. All are welcome.

To get involved with ECN, you can , where meeting invitations and other helpful information is shared.

Questions? Please contact events@villanova.edu.