
Pre-College Summer Academy Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


General Information


Do I have to take both PCAC 1000 (1 credit) and a 3-credit course?

  • Yes. In order to participate in the program, all students must enroll in both courses. Students who only want to enroll in one 3-credit course, and do not wish to enroll in PCAC 1000 should contact Admissions to change their student status. Students taking ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ courses outside of the Pre-College Summer Academy (PCSA) are charged a different tuition rate.

How many classes can I take?

  • Students may enroll in one 3-credit course coupled with PCAC 1000. The choices for the 3-credit course will be published on our program website. Students who wish to take more than one 3-credit course may not participate in this program. Students who desire to enroll in multiple 3 credit courses should contact Admissions to apply as a High School Scholar.

Is this a commuter or residency summer program?

  • Students may choose to commute or live on campus. Those who choose to live on campus will pay a separate rate for housing.

Can I change my residency status from resident to commuter?

  • If you wish to make a change to your residency status (resident to commuter), please contact the program director, Kirstin DeFusco Houtz, Ed.D. at (610) 519-4300 or CPSAdvisor@villanova.edu.

Do I have to purchase a meal plan?

  • All PCSA students are required to purchase a meal plan. It will be included in your program fees.

Will participating in this program help me get into ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ University as a full-time Freshman?

  • Participation in ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥â€™s Pre-College Summer Academy has no influence on any ongoing or future application to ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ University.

Who are the peer mentors?

  • Peer mentors are current ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ University undergraduate students. These are traditional upperclassmen that are trained to offer help with study habits, navigating higher education, etc.

Are the credits earned in the Pre-College Summer Academy transferable into a college degree at another University?

  • Transferability of credits is determined by the specific receiving institution and can depend upon a student’s program and curriculum. Although, credits earned at ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ can surely be evaluated for transfer! 
  • After the program ends, students who successfully complete their courses will be able to request their official ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ transcript showing the 4 credits earned. It is the student’s responsibility to request final official transcripts to be sent to their school of choice.

How can I request my transcript?

  • At the end of the term, grades are officially posted according to the . Once grades are posted, students can order official transcripts to be sent to their desired institutions by following the directions on the Registrar’s website.

What are examples of the night/weekend activities in the program?

  • Our Academic Mentors organize activities and events inspired by their college experiences and the interests of the group. Past on-campus activities have included movie nights, recreational sports (including softball, volleyball, and yoga), cookouts, and game nights. Off-campus trips have provided opportunities to explore nearby towns by train, visit a museum of choice in Philadelphia, and attend a Phillies game at Citizens Bank Park. These experiences help students learn to navigate social life, public transportation, and personal decision-making—important steps in preparing for college life.

How safe are ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ and Philadelphia?

  • Student safety is a top priority at ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ and in the Pre-College Summer Academy. The Department of Public Safety employs a police department whose staff of sworn police officers and security guards patrol the campus 24/7/365 on foot, by car, and by bicycle. The Department is the University’s first responder to emergency situations, including police, medical and fire calls. Functional responsibilities of patrol officers include preventative patrol; incident, crime and accident reporting; safety escorts; assisting motorists with vehicle lock outs and jump starts; and physical security. ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥â€™s Nova Safe app allows users to report issues, reach emergency contacts, see a Crime Map of threats on campus, and more. 
  • Located just 12 miles from ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥, Philadelphia offers a rich and diverse experience for students, including cultural diversity, historical sites, and vibrant nightlife attractions. As an integral part of the ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ culture, it is important for us to explore some of the city’s unique aspects. To ensure safety, all outings in the city will be chaperoned by program staff. As in other major cities in the United States, however, it is essential to remain mindful of your surroundings. Being aware and taking appropriate safety precautions can help avoid potential issues. While common crimes such as robbery and theft are unfortunate realities, understanding that some situations may be unavoidable despite precautions is crucial. Your safety is our top priority, and we will take every measure to ensure a secure and enriching experience in Philadelphia.


Finances and Funding


How much does the program cost?

  • Residential students pay $8,000 for the Pre-College Summer Academy, while commuting students pay $6,000. A deposit of $2,000 is due at time of acceptance, regardless of residence choice.

How much do books and materials cost?

  • The Textbook Access Program provides affordable materials to any student taking classes at ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥, resulting in a $70 book fee for PCSA students. Students who participate in the program will find their materials on Blackboard, the learning management system used at ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥, on or before the first day of classes. Students can opt-out of the Textbook Access Program within the add/drop period if they choose to buy the necessary books on their own from a third party. For more information, please consult the FAQ section on their website.

Is the program offered to dependents of ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ University employees at a reduced cost?

  • The Pre-College Summer Academy follows the guidelines outlined by ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥'s Human Resources Department. Please read their policy on tuition assistance and contact them directly should you have any questions.

Is the program offered to dependents of Veterans/First Responders at a reduced cost?

  • Students who are dependents of US Military Veterans or Active Military Service Members or are eligible for a 15% discount off their tuition.  

Is the program offered to dependents of ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ University Alumni at a reduced cost?

  • Students who are dependents of ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ Alumni are eligible for a 15% discount off their tuition.   

Can I use 529 College Savings Account funds for the Pre-College Summer Academy?

  • Yes. Students can use funds from their 529 account. You would need to provide ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥'s School code to the 529 Plan. ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ University is #003388. Most 529 plans need that information in order to make payment.



What do students learn in PCAC 1000?

  • The PCAC 1000 sessions are developed by our experienced student support professionals with ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ Faculty and are led by our peer mentors under the close supervision of the CPS Academic Advising Team. Each session will introduce students to a new facet of campus life, either a resource or skill that will facilitate their success in college. In the mentor sessions of PCAC 1000, students will participate in activities that seek to foster intrapersonal growth, build interpersonal relationships, check-in with program coordinators, receive homework help, etc.

What is the attendance policy?

  • Class attendance in college is vital; so much learning occurs inside the classroom as you will be able to actively engage with the content, participate in discussions, and learn from your peers. Given the shortened term, it is expected that students attend every class session. Missing multiple classes, even when excused, may result in a failing grade. Attendance in PCAC 1000 is closely monitored and parents will be notified if a student misses class. PCAC 1000 and 3-credit classes follow the University Attendance Policy.

How much homework is assigned?

  • Students are often given opportunities to complete homework during the mentor time of PCAC 1000 sessions; however, they should expect to spend significant time outside of class doing homework as well. It is important to remember that these courses are typical ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ University undergraduate courses and require the same amount of work as during the fall and spring semesters. The general guideline is typically 3 hours of work outside the classroom each week for every one hour spent in class. For a 3-credit course, this equates to roughly nine hours each week. However, this can be even slightly more in an accelerated summer course.

How are the 3 credit courses selected for the program?

  • o The 3 credit courses are selected based upon many criteria including:
    • Appropriate academic rigor and level for PCSA students. We want students to be challenged and experience college-level work while under the support of our program.
    • Interesting content for high school-aged students encouraging them to explore their academic interests.
    • Likelihood of transfer into multiple curricula. While transferability ultimately depends on the college you choose, many of these curated courses have variations taught at multiple institutions.

How will I be evaluated in PCAC 1000?

  • Students will be assessed on their daily class attendance, in-class participation, homework, and final project. Examples of previous final projects include: selecting a higher education institution students could see themselves attending and writing a paper on the academics, student life, application process, etc. and providing information on a particular aspect of the college experience such as financial aid, independent living, student involvement, etc.




What is ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ University looking for in an applicant? 

  • We are seeking academically talented and highly motivated students who are eager to learn about the college experience. Students who are successful in our program are self-driven, dedicated to their studies, and committed to personal growth. While there is no set minimum GPA requirements, students should be prepared to engage with college-level course material.

Who should write the required letter of recommendation for a student's application?

  • A current or former teacher, coach, or supervisor would be a great resource to provide a recommendation letter. It should be someone who knows the student well and can speak to the student's academic abilities, character, and readiness for the program. Ideally, this person should be familiar with the work ethic, commitment to learning, and any achievements or qualities that highlight strengths of the applicant. 

Can those who previously participated in the Pre-College Summer Academy take the program again?

  • At this time, we do not offer a second iteration of PCAC. High school students who wish to take additional college-level classes after the completion of the program, are encouraged to speak with CPS Admissions about  applying as a High School Scholar.

When is the deadline to apply?

  • The deadline to apply is Friday, June 6.  All application materials must be submitted by this date; however space is limited and the program may fill before the application deadline.  

After being admitted to the Pre-College Summer Academy, what are the next steps to prepare for the program?

  • Each accepted student will be assigned to a CPS academic advisor. They will assist in course selection, help prepare the student for the 4-week session, provide program orientation, assist the students in learning our online management systems, etc.



The Residential Experience


Where will PCSA students live? 

  • PCSA students will live in a dormitory for the duration of the program. While students will not receive their room assignments until closer to the start of the program, you can check out ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥'s Residence Life website to see the different types of residence halls.

Will PCSA students have a roommate?

  • Yes, students will be assigned two per double room.

What types of things are there to do on campus?

  • PCSA students will have typical student access to ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ University’s classrooms, dining, libraries, fitness and recreation centers, etc. 

Will activities be planned after class and on weekends?

  • Yes, some group activities will be held during the week and on weekends. Some activities may include trips to Philadelphia museums, attending a Phillies baseball game, a food truck festival or other activities on and off campus.

Is there a curfew?

  • Yes. Each student will be required to sign in with an academic mentor by 10:00 pm Sunday – Thursday, and 11:00 pm on Friday and Saturday

Do the residential staff live in the residence halls?

  • Yes, dormitories will be staffed with a Resident Assistant (RA) that is responsible for the entire floor and two Independent Living Advisors (ILA) and an Academic Mentor for Pre-College Summer Academy students only. The RAs are available to respond 24 hours a day, every day. The residential staff will be proactive in building a community atmosphere by hosting activities, as well as ensuring safety measures by enforcing curfew and all other policies. All residential staff are compliant under PA Act 153 which requires a PA Criminal History, PA Child Abuse, and FBI Background check.

What do students do on the July 4 holiday weekend?

  • Students will not have classes for the observance of the holiday and the University is closed. As such, we encourage students to make arrangements to visit with their families. For those who will be staying on campus, there are limited activities planned for Pre-College Summer Academy students. The dorms will be appropriately staffed with RAs and the Program’s Academic Mentor will be available to students.

What services can the Student Health Center (SHC) and Student Counseling Center (UCC) provide to Pre-College students?

  • SHC: ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥â€™s health center is restricted to matriculated students. The closest group of physicians is at Penn Medicine at Radnor, 250 King of Prussia Rd, Radnor, PA, 610-902-2000. Bryn Mawr Hospital and its emergency room are closest to campus at 130 South Bryn Mawr Ave, Bryn Mawr, PA, 484-337-3582. Emergency medical care and ambulance service is provided through Public Safety (call 610-519-4444) by VEMS (¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ Emergency Medical Service) or Radnor Township.
  • UCC: On-going therapy sessions will not be available for Pre-College Summer Academy students; however, triage services can be provided. Students and Program Staff are instructed to contact Public Safety in the event of a mental health emergency.

What is the policy on off-campus outings?

  • During free time, students may depart campus under the following circumstances:
    • Under the supervision of a Pre-College Summer Academy faculty or staff member
    • Under the supervision of the resident’s parent/guardian or other pre-approved responsible party in the area (via Off-Campus Release Authorization Form)
  • Off-Campus Release Authorization Form must be submitted 2 business days prior to leaving campus. Staff must have time to review, contact parents/guardians, make approvals or rejections and send confirmations. Requests sent late that are not emergency situations may not be approved. Students who leave campus without an approved request will be subject to disciplinary action including dismissal from the program.

If student needs to leave campus on a regular basis, would they need to submit an Off Campus Leave Request every time or could one blanket request be issues? 

  • A separate request is required for each absence from campus. Blanket requests will not be approved.