³Õ¾±±ô±ô²¹²Ô´Ç±¹²¹â€™s&²Ô²ú²õ±è;Strategic Plan is an ambitious effort to guide the University forward over the next decade. Rooted in our Augustinian Catholic values, and restless in our desire to ignite change, the plan builds on our strengths and invests in critical areas to enhance the ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ experience for our entire community, including undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and law students, as well as faculty, staff and alumni.
Rooted. Restless. outlines an exciting future that is uniquely ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥n. It was developed with input from more than 5,000 ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ns who were actively engaged in a community-based and iterative process, resulting in a powerful consensus of present and future priorities.