

The SJE Core Team represents the student voice and strives to ensure that the SJE personnel and pedagogy reflect community members’ commitment, passion and goals.


  • Serve as the SJE program’s primary leadership in collaboration with the program director and graduate assistants
  • Serve as a liaison between student leaders and campus ministers
  • Meet regularly with campus ministers, including retreats as appropriate
  • Plan and lead regular full-group and committee meetings with student leaders
  • Coordinate ongoing leadership training and development
  • Revise the recruitment process to maximize exposure and enthusiasm
  • Reinvigorate student leadership 
  • Develop and implement a clear, engaging curriculum built on service, community, solidarity and shared experience, spirituality, and commitment to the common good
  • Evaluate the program to ensure it remains current 


Team Composition

  • It is preferred that the Core Team consist of four students from within the SJE leadership community: two students who have previously served as trip leaders and two students who will lead upcoming trips 
  • The team will ideally consist of a mix of undergraduate seniors and juniors to ensure continuity 
  • The planned commitment is for a spring semester followed by a fall semester, with flexibility to extend or shorten service as appropriate

Program Coordinator: Abigail Gorman

"Being in Camden, NJ, was an eye-opening experience that served to remind me not to believe the stereotypes imposed on different areas. The people of Camden were so kind, open and amazing to us! They are the reason I look back at this experience so fondly."

—Valentina Wey ’23 CLAS

"Service and Justice Experiences have changed my life! It’s like having little parts of me scheduled everywhere I had the privilege to serve! Forever keeping those bonds I made and the lessons I learned with me! I’m proud to have participated [in] and led them!"

—Jack Brenner ’19 VSB

"I reminisce about the SJE often! From long car trips and fun hikes to painting an entire house and folk dancing, I became so close to a group of individuals that I had never met before in a quick instant! I realized this SJE how kindhearted and altruistic people can be when I just meet them, and I will never forget the wonderful experiences we shared together."

—Megan Tsou ’23 VSB

“Love, when it is true, is always directed away from oneself. It is transcendent. The two-fold commandment of love, therefore, translates into working for the common good, [and] working for the common good is service.â€Â â€“The Augustine Way