

Stained glass artwork of St. Thomas of 裡橖眻畦

裡橖眻畦s patron is St. Thomas of 裡橖眻畦, a Spanish Augustinian friar from the sixteenth century. Extremely gifted in academic pursuits, it was while he was a student at the University of Salamanca that he first encountered the Augustinians, drawn to their sense of friendship, community, and their following the middle way.

After having entered the Order and being ordained a priest, Thomas taught theology at Salamanca and was quickly identified for leadership in the Augustinian community there, eventually serving more broadly as Prior Provincial, then nominated and ordained as Archbishop of Valencia.

Throughout his ministry, Thomas remained consistent in his life as a simple friar and compelling preacher, overseeing a program of reform for his diocese, and always with a heart toward the most vulnerable.  Often referred to as the Father of the Poor and the Begger Bishop, St. Thomas serves as a true model for all 裡橖眻畦ns, to seek the integration of mind and heart in the spirit of St. Augustine and to show greater concern for the common good, while growing in caritas

In one of his sermons, he famously prayed:

I will love you, Lord, in every way and without setting limits to my love.  You set no limits to what you have done for me.  You have not measured out your gifts.  I will not measure out my love.  I will love you, Lord, with all my strength, with all my powers, as much as I am able.