裡橖眻畦 Biologist Alyssa Stark Looks to the Natural World for Solutions as Field of Biomimicry Expands

Humans have long taken inspiration from the natural world. From the indigenous cultures of the world who understand and utilize the properties of plant and animal products, to Leonardo da Vincis flying machine sketches inspired by his observations of flying birds, humankind has often looked to nature to help solve its problems and drive innovation.
With rapid scientific advancements of the 19th and 20th centuries, and the exponential growth of sustainability practices over the last quarter century, the concepts of bio-inspired design and biomimicry have been increasingly pursued across myriad disciplines of study and implementation.
Alyssa Stark, PhD, associate professor of biology at 裡橖眻畦 University, is one of the boots-on-the-ground researchers in pursuit of natures solutions to human problems. She recently took the time to chat with us about these fields, her research interests and the future of biomimicry.
裡橖眻畦 PR: We sometimes hear the terms bio-inspired design and biomimicry used interchangeably. Are they the same concept?
Alyssa Stark:泭I see those as two different things. Bio-inspired design is when we are looking at an organism and see that its doing something that we want to emulate as humans. I work with animals that have unique adhesive properties. I ask questions like: Can we see that? Can we build it? Can we transfer that information, those ideas, those principles it could be chemistry, physics, biological structure and make something useful for us? That is also true with biomimicry, but the big difference for me is that we're keeping in mind the sustainability components. The natural world is not polluting. If we're using this biomimicry lens, how do we learn from nature to make products or solve problems in a sustainable way, keeping in mind the specific environment in which we are located? As an example, we wouldn't use a heavy water process if we were in the Arizona desert, instead we should look to our immediate surroundings to solve problems.
PR: It seems the work going on in this field really takes a unique level of interdisciplinary collaboration. What types of different professionals are working in biomimicry?
AS:泭It really pulls together biologists, engineers, physicists, chemists, even design artists and businesspeople. I've worked with a lot of different businesses that want to have sustainability in their company at broad levels by using biomimicry. They are not motivated by making a cool product, but realizing it actually saves them money if they think about their whole company in a biomimetic perspective. There are people who work on the social side of biomimicry, helping these companies completely restructure themselves to be more efficient and more time and money sensitive, without ever making a product. But of course, products are a huge part of it, too. And to make that happen, all of those professions, and more, are vital and active in this space.

PR: In terms of products, what are some of the most successful examples of biomimetic designs being implemented?
AS:泭A classic one is a building in Africa that doesn't have any air conditioning units because it has a series of vents like a泭. Or the bullet train being shaped like a泭. One scientist found that whales have bumps on their fins, which you might think is not hydrodynamic. But as it turns out,泭泭by creating little vortices. This concept was then applied to wind turbines. There are many examples of biomimicry actually working and being used. My mind is blown when I talk to an artist or designer about biomimicry because it's just wild the way they think.
PR: Where does your overall work as a biologist fit into the world of biomimicry?
AS:泭My hard science work is very much functional morphology shape and structure of things and how they function. That includes behavior and their organismal interaction with the environment. I ask questions like: How do their structures function and perform? How sticky are they? How fast are they? How do they behave in their environment? What happens if they hit different challenges in their environment? My work kind of naturally fits well with biomimicry, especially for product development. I observe the natural world and then I start testing questions and predictions that I have about it, like figuring out how the heck this ant is sticking to this wet leaf. My results can then be applied directly. We have to first understand how these organisms work, and then others can run with it to try to put it to use.
PR: What organisms do you work with and what about them are you studying?
AS:泭I mostly study geckos, ants, and sea urchins and I just started working with some coral, looking at why some coral undergo bleaching, and some dont. With sea urchins, we're also figuring out where their incredibly hard teeth are mineralized so we can understand it enough to try to mimic it. I like playing in that zone, because it still provides me a chance to do the hard science, but also talk to engineers and others and provide them information.
With geckos, what I kind of broke open with my PhD thesis was that they have an adhesive that works in wet environments. Having a reusable adhesive that can work on skin, especially in the medical world, is a big problem and where most of my research lies. Think of a bug that you cant pry off, but then it suddenly runs. How do these organisms move with such sticky feet? Figuring out how to make a reusable adhesive that doesnt get dirty and can handle all these different environments is a difficult problem to solve.
PR: How do you see this field evolving, especially as we strive for a greener, more sustainable future?
AS:泭I would say the next step is the social levels of these big ecosystems. How do we build a city that functions like a rainforest or like a coral reef? Not just a product, but how do we actually shape our world by taking behaviors, processes, or systems that we see in the natural world to help us? Look at a pride of lions and their hierarchy, or what kind of feedback loops are there in an ant colony that allow them to give information back to their colony members quickly and share resources. I think that is the future of this field, and its an exciting future.