

¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ students posing with a biogas digester

In Wayanad, India, ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ engineering students work closely with Profugo, a non-profit international development organization based in Ardmore, Pa. The group’s efforts are focused on Prashanthagiri, a small village whose needs include:

  • Construction of a bio-gas digester, which can turn waste into fuel
  • Rainwater harvesting, water quality testing and a water-level indicator
  • Alternative energy sources

¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ students and faculty also have engaged with the Indian Government College of Engineering in Wayanad, which is trying to initiate an engineering service group of its own. ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ students have:

  • Shared a presentation on water quality testing
  • Introduced Wayanad students to water filtration and maintaining the cleanliness of wells
  • Together with Wayanad students assisted Profugo with a water quality workshop
  • Created a how-to manual for water-quality testing, and had the manual translated into Malayalam, the local language so that community volunteers can manage the testing process themselves

One of Profugo’s goals is to build capacity in the community through development projects that empower villagers. The organization makes sure that community members are involved in every part of the process.


For more information about international service opportunities in the College of Engineering, including how you can help support our students in these experiences, contact Dr. Jordan Ermilio, director of the Center for Humanitarian Engineering and International Development at jordan.ermilio@villanova.edu or 610-519-6859.