Microwave, Antenna and Photonic Systems, a concentration in the Electrical Engineering graduate program, covers material in microwave theory and techniques, antennas and photonics.
A concentration in this area provides students the tools to understand, design and implement telecommunication systems for a variety of terrestrial and space applications. Our increased reliance on high frequency systems ensures that this field will grow as an in-demand area of expertise both for the corporate world and defense industry.

Aircraft scale-model antenna test in the anechoic chamber of ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥’s Antenna Research Lab
Updated 10/30/2023
Degree Requirements
Ten courses (30 credits) are required to complete a Master’s in Electrical Engineering with a concentration in Microwave, Antenna, and Photonic Systems (MAPS):
Additional courses should be selected to complement those above and to support your professional interests.
Complete list of courses by semester
Degree plans must be submitted before registering for your first semester. Students in the five-year BS/MS program must submit their plan before registering for fall semester of their senior year.
Academic Advisor
Each student who selects the MAPS concentration must work with his/her academic or research advisor to prepare and submit an approved degree plan. The academic advisor must be one of the full-time faculty members listed below. Dr. Robert Caverly is the default academic advisor for this concentration. Any student interested in the MAPS concentration is encouraged to meet with him until they have established a permanent academic advisor.
- Dr. Robert Caverly, Professor, 610-519-5660
- Dr. Ahmad Hoorfar, Professor, 610-519-7223
- Dr. Rosalind Wynne, Associate Professor, 610-519-6294