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Board of Consultors

The ¸ÌéÙÖ±²¥ University M. Louise Fitzpatrick College of Nursing established its Board of Consultors in 2007. The Board serves in an advisory capacity to the Dean of the College and provides an external perspective on matters that affect the nursing profession, the College and its strategic direction. Members of the Board include College and University alumni, parents, and nursing, health care and business leaders.

Current Members of the Board of Consultors

Donald Creamer ’70 VSB
Retired President and CEO
Susquehanna Health System 

Vice Chairperson
Capt. (Ret.) Maryalice Morro ’83 FCN, ’19 DNP
Maryalice Morro, LLC 

Chairperson Emeritus
Dorrie Fontaine, PhD ’72 FCN
Dean Emerita
University of Virginia School of Nursing 

Dee Silvers Adams ’86 FCN
Medical Tech Investor
and Wellness Advocate

Paula Agosto ’85 FCN
Senior Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Steve Barnes ’92 VSB
Chief Financial Officer
Accolade, Inc.

William Benvenuto ’87 CLAS
Senior Vice President,
Chief Legal Affairs, Compliance & Privacy Officer
Travere Therapeutics, Inc.

Bob Bosse ’86 VSB
Retired Executive Director
J.P. Morgan

Tracy Brala ’90 VSB
Senior Vice President Strategy and Partnerships
University City Science Center

John Flamma, M.D. ’82 CLAS
Retired Attending Physician
Penn Presbyterian Medical Center
Professor of Emergency Medicine
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania

Ruth Frey ’81 FCN
Vice President, Global Strategy and Business Development
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Margaret Robins Garrett, Esq. ’72 FCN
Retired Vice President of Risk Management and Chief Legal Counsel
Johns Hopkins Health System

Sandy Gomberg ’85 FCN, ’90 MSN

Nicole Blanche Guerin, Esq. ’88 FCN
Global Head of Accident & Health Reinsurance Claims
AXIS Capital

Christopher Haley '90 VSB
Founder and Managing Principal
Palladian Realty Capital LLC

Monica Harmon
Executive Director
Community Wellness HUB
Drexel University College of Medicine

Mike Howley
Retired Vice President and General Manager of Global Sales
Abiomed, Inc.

Honore Kotler '95
Executive Director, Advanced Practice and Ambulatory Nursing
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Julia Lanouette ’11 FCN
Director of Pharmacovigilance Operations

Heather Major
Executive Director
Independence Blue Cross Foundation

John Mastrocola ’87 VSB
Retired Director of Regional Operations
Central Region Generations Healthcare 

James Mayhall ’93 CLAS
Managing Director
Main Line Equity Partners

John McCallion
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
MetLife, Inc.

Elizabeth Carrott Minnigh
Tax Attorney
Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney

Mary Myers ’81 FCN
Retired President and CEO
Johns Hopkins Home Care Group

Wendy Underwood Naratil
Freelance Artist
Dean’s Leadership Council
Yale School of Nursing
Women’s Health Research Advisory Council
Yale School of Medicine

Rosie Patterson
Vice President, Sales North America
Laerdal Medical Corporation

Margaret Shull ’16 CLAS, ’17 FCN
Registered Nurse
Medical University of South Carolina

Daniel R. Tropeano ’92 CLAS
Segment President, Southeastern PA
Highmark Blue Shield

Rohan Udeshi '09 COE
COO and Co-Founder
Health Recovery Solutions