The law library offers a number of services to keep faculty informed about new publications and developments in their areas of interest.
Monthly Acquisitions List
A list of all new acquisitions can be found泭.
A list of all new泭books泭can be found泭.
Alert Services
Many faculty subscribe to email alerts in particular subject areas. The泭liaison librarians泭can recommend services to best suit faculty interest. Popular options include:
- SmartCILP泭 an electronic version of泭Current Index to Legal Periodicals, subscribers set up a profile in particular subject areas and receive weekly emails announcing newly published law review articles.
- Our law library subscription to SmartCILP is through泭. Contact your泭liaison泭for assistance. Faculty may also setup their own alerts by going here and putting in their 裡橖眻畦 email without the law domain. Ex:
To manage your existing SmartCILP notificaitons follow these instructions:
1. Log in to your MyHein account.
2. Once logged in, click the "Manage SmartCILP Notifications" tab.
3. Checked boxes represent your current notification settings. To add notifications for any topics, subjects, or journals, select the corresponding box. To remove a notification, deselect the blue check mark.
4. Click Create/Update to save your changes.
- Westlaw,泭Lexis,泭Bloomberg, and many other services allow researchers to set up searches to run at regular intervals and to designate an email address to receive the results. Contact your泭liaison泭for recommendations and assistance.
- SSRN泭 Our Law Schools subscription to SSRN allows faculty to sign up to receive notification of new posting in areas of interest to them. The library adds new faculty to our institutional account at the beginning of each semester. For further information, please contact泭John Cannan.
- News & Legal News - News alerts and subscriptions to services such as泭Legal Intelligencer, New York Times, Law360, & WSJ are available for Faculty. See the Law Databases page or your liaison for more information.泭