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NovaRacing Delivers Strong Performance at Michigan International Speedway

Nova Racing裡橖眻畦 Universitys Formula SAE team

Since 2008, the members of NovaRacing裡橖眻畦 Universitys Formula SAE teamhave been traveling to Brooklyn, Michigan, each May for the Formula SAE competition at Michigan International Speedway. Over several days, the car that the team spends a year conceiving, designing, fabricating and testing competes against more than 100 others from colleges and universities around the world. In 2019with a car dedicated to the memory of the late Dean Gary A. Gabriele who served as the teams advisorNovaRacing once again performed admirably, placing 20th overall out of nearly 140 teams.

SAE Internationals Formula competition provides students with the real-world challenges of systems engineering, design and problem solving, along with the teaming challenges of collaboration and cooperation. Each year, teams are required to start at square one (previous years cars cannot be reused), working under the assumption that a manufacturing firm has engaged them to produce a prototype racecar for evaluation as a production item. The challenge is to design and fabricate a car that best meets the clients goals and intents as described on the SAE website:

At the Michigan event, cars are judged in a series of static events: design, cost and presentation, and dynamic events: acceleration, autocross, skid-pad and endurance. Each event has specified minimum acceptable performance levels that are reflected in the scoring equations. This year, NovaRacings results were as follows: 

  • 5th place in acceleration
  • 10th in sales presentation
  • 15th in endurance
  • 28th in fuel efficiency
  • 28th in cost
  • 42nd in autocross
  • 45th (tie) in design
  • 50th in skid-pad

In placing 20th overall, Dr. Gerard Jerry Jones, Senior Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research and advisor to the NovaRacing team, noted, This was a very good performance considering the tight schedule and not much track testing for the car before the race.

Incoming team captain Christopher Auslander 20 CpE said: We learned a lot from this years car, VU11, including the importance of proper management and planning and just how important a cohesive team can be. The members of our team were and are very dedicated and committed to making a great car, even through difficult design challenges. Noting the excitement around VU12, he added, Our goal for next year is to improve our cars performance by adding a new aerodynamic package. This will help our drivers with handling, control and speed around corners. We are also looking to improve our general engineering design process with improved documentation practices.

Rex Hamilton, a member of the Engineering Advisory Board who joined the team in Michigan, pointed out a number of inequities among the competing teams that included time off from school to build their cars, government funding for international competitors and more advanced technology. He said, 裡橖眻畦 did amazingly well against these odds. His son Louis 20 ME, one of NovaRacings drivers, had a particularly rewarding experience. In addition to placing 15th in his endurance drive, Louis so impressed a representative from Tesla that he was interviewed and offered a job on the spot.

Representing every engineering discipline, as well as students from the 裡橖眻畦 School of Business, members of the NovaRacing team included: captain James Morgan 19 ME, incoming team captain Chris Auslander 20 CpE, Michael Blaney 21 ME, James Britt 20 CpE, Aarya Deb 21 ME, Peter Dethlefs 19 EE, Andrew Feiner 19 ChE, John Flynn 19 ME, Harrison Freon 19 ME, Louis Hamilton 20 ME, Nicholas Kallan 19 VSB, Sindi Kulla 22 VSB, Bridget LaSala 21 CE, Christina Maffattone 21 ME, Devin McCartney 20 CE, James Morgan 19 ME, Trevor Murray 21 EE, Steven Nigro 21 ME, Justin Pellis 20 ChE, Samantha Sandler 20 ME, Carina Silvermoon 19 CLAS, Nick Villano 21 ME and Carleton Ward 20 ME.

Auslander notes that NovaRacing is looking for engineers who are hoping to apply their skills to a real engineering project, as well as business students who can help grow the teams publicity and connection with sponsors. To learn more, contact him at causlan1@villanova.edu.

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