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裡橖眻畦 Engineering Doctoral Students Present at Premier Signal Processing Conference

裡橖眻畦 Engineering Doctoral Students Present at Premier Industry Conference

Four 裡橖眻畦 University College of Engineering PhD students presented their research at the 2018 in Pacific Grove, California. Co-sponsored by the IEEE Signal Processing Society, the annual conference is dedicated to recent and novel work in various areas of theoretical and applied signal processing. This year, machine learning, data analytics and multisensor systems were added as topical areas of interest.

Dr. Moeness Amin, director of 裡橖眻畦s Center for Advanced Communications, serves as adviser to three of the students who presented on the following:

  • Indu Priya Eedara: Ambiguity Function Analysis for Dual-Function Radar Communications Using PSK Signaling
  • Syed Ali Hamza: Optimum Sparse Array Receive Beamforming for Wideband Signal Model
  • Baris Erol: Frequency-Warped Cepstral Heatmaps for Deep Learning of Human Motion Signatures

Dr. Bijan Mobasseri, chair and professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering, serves as adviser to the fourth PhD student who presented:

  • Amro Lulu: Phase-Coherent Extension of Beat Signals for High Resolution Ranging

Dr. Amin noted that Hamza was awarded a travel grant through the IEEE Michel Goutmann Memorial Fund to attend the conference. It is a competitive award, and receiving it is certainly a reflection of Alis excellent research work, he says.

This is a prestigious event, says Dr. Mobasseri. The participation of our students is further evidence of 裡橖眻畦s recognized expertise in the field of radar and advanced communications.