

  • Criminal Justice Reform: A Bipartisan Story, 03/11 Criminal justice reform appears to be one of the few public policy areas that garners bipartisan support. In recent years, a bipartisan collection of policymakers and advocates from across the political spectrum have worked together to support commonsense reforms. Joining us for this discussion are Insha Rahman, vice president of advocacy and partnerships at the Vera Institute of Justice and the director of Vera Action, and David Safavian, executive vice president and general counsel for CPAC and the CPAC Foundation.
  • The Ethics and Empirics of Engineering Humanity Speaker Series, Spring 2025 This interdisciplinary speaker series will cover ethical, philosophical and empirical issues surrounding the engineering of artificial and human intelligence. Those include the dynamic interactions between AI and HI, how human-computer-interfaces affect humanity, how humans outsource thinking to computers and other related technologies, how digital technologies transform the production, dissemination and validation of knowledge and how ethical values translate into technological and social decisions that affect who we are and who we’re capable of being.
  • "American Covenant: How the Constitution Unified Our Nation – and Could Again," 03/24 The Eleanor H. McCullen Center for Law Religion and Public Policy welcomes Yuval Levin, director of social, cultural and constitutional studies at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where he also holds the Beth and Ravenel Curry Chair in Public Policy, for a discussion about his most recent book, American Covenant: How the Constitution Unified Our Nation – and Could Again (Basic Books, 2024). The founder and editor of National Affairs, Levin is also a senior editor at The New Atlantis, a contributing editor at National Review, and a contributing opinion writer at New York Times.
  • 2025 CARES Symposium, 03/28 This year’s annual symposium hosted by the Clinic for Asylum, Refugee and Emigrant Services (CARES) will focus on maximizing pro bono efforts and fostering meaningful community involvement in supporting immigrants facing complex legal challenges. This event will feature immigration attorneys, non-profit leaders and advocates, who will share practical insights on how attorneys can navigate the unique aspects of immigration law and provide crucial support through pro bono work. The symposium will also address the current immigration landscape, highlighting the specific legal needs of immigrant populations and the critical role legal professionals play in advancing justice.
  • 10th Annual Katherine Del Raso Fashion Law Symposium, 04/04 ΈΜιΩΦ±²₯ Law’s 10th Annual Katherine Del Raso Fashion Law Symposium will provide a comprehensive exploration of the legal and business frameworks that continue to shape the fashion industry.
  • 47th Annual Donald A. Giannella Memorial Lecture, 04/07 The Eleanor H. Center for Law, Religion and Public Policy welcomes Adam Kirsch, editor of the Wall Street Journal’s Weekend Review, for a discussion of his most recent book, On Settler Colonialism: Ideology, Violence, and Justice, moderated by Chaim Saiman, professor of law and chair in Jewish law.
  • The 2025 Jeffrey S. Moorad Sports Law Journal Symposium, 04/11 The 2025 Moorad Symposium will feature speakers and discussions on sports finance, a rapidly changing landscape that has recently seen the infusion of institutional capital and private equity funding. We will examine different methods of investing in a new asset classβ€”sportsβ€”that appears to be forever growing and recession-proof. Industry leaders, including investors, lawyers, bankers and analysts, will provide a detailed and fascinating look at this growing area.
  • Third Annual State and Local Tax Forum, 06/05 The third annual State and Local Tax (SALT) Forum hosted by the ΈΜιΩΦ±²₯ University Graduate Tax Program will take place on Thursday, June 5, 2025. This year's topic, "Is Everything Apportionable?" will discuss the most pertinent SALT issues of the day.
  • Lewis H. Gold ’62 Lecture on Ethics & Professional Responsibility, 02/26 The David F. and Constance B. Girard-diCarlo Center for Ethics, Integrity and Compliance will host the Lewis H. Gold ’62 Lecture on Ethics and Professional Responsibility on Wednesday, February 26th. Erika Harold, executive director of Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism will present "Preventing Bullying in the Legal Profession: An Ethical Case for Courage and Change."
  • The ΈΜιΩΦ±²₯ Law Review 2025 Norman J. Shachoy Symposium, 02/21 The 2025 ΈΜιΩΦ±²₯ Law Review Norman J. Shachoy Symposium will take place on Friday, February 21. The topic of this year's symposium, β€œJournalism at a Crossroads: Legal Protections, Innovations and Democracy,” will bring together leading scholars and practitioners to discuss the most salient questions surrounding journalists and the press and their impact on different areas of legal practice, scholarship and education.
  • 2025 ΈΜιΩΦ±²₯ Environmental Law Journal Blank Rome LLP Symposium, 02/07 The 2025 ΈΜιΩΦ±²₯ Environmental Law Journal Blank Rome LLP Symposium on Friday, February 7 will explore new developments in environmental litigation. Panels will bring together experts from the academy, government, private practice and nonprofit organizations to discuss how recent cases in these areas will change environmental litigation.
  • The 19th Annual John F. Scarpa Conference on Law, Politics and Culture, 01/31 Through a discussion about Steven Hayward’s Patriotism Is Not Enough (2017), the 19th Annual John F. Scarpa Conference on Law, Politics and Culture will invite constructive exercises of the political imagination made exigent by liberalism’s exhaustion. The speakers are leading experts in law, political philosophy, history, theology, public policy and conservative thought.


ΈΜιΩΦ±²₯ University Charles Widger
School of Law
299 N. Spring Mill Rd.
ΈΜιΩΦ±²₯, PA 19085
610-519-7000Μύ ΜύContact Law

ΈΜιΩΦ±²₯ University Charles Widger School of Law is approved by the Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar of the American Bar Association, 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654, (312) 988-6738