
Engineering Entrepreneurship Summer Institute (E2SI)

E2SI 2024 is traveling abroad!

Updated 2/27/2024

8 Weeks 16 Credits One Minor

Open to all majors, not just engineers or technologists, 裡橖眻畦 Universitys Engineering Entrepreneurship Summer Institute (E2SI) challenges students to further develop their problem-solving and creative thinking skills while applying fundamental engineering principles. Youll learn how to take your idea from paper to venture pitchno technical knowledge required!

Why Engineering Entrepreneurship?

The need for entrepreneurial skills is much broader than the focus on starting on a new enterprise. Employers value self-starters who take initiative, show persistence and demonstrate leadership. These entrepreneurial competencies are invaluable in any career and differentiate students from the competition.

In the E2SI Abroad Panama program, undergraduate students will learn tenants, tools, and frameworks for global innovation and entrepreneurship, preparing them to work in corporate innovation, product development, or in a technology-based startup.

Program Benefits

  • Understand the principles of existing and emerging technologies such as AI and IOT and how they apply globally
  • Study design thinking and how to follow a process for innovating
  • Practice customer discovery and how to identify a clear problem or opportunity
  • Explore creativity, ideation and concept development
  • Prototype and test ideas through customer validation
  • Gain practical, hands-on experience in many entrepreneurial activities.
  • Build Financial models and business model frameworks
  • Develop leadership, business and management skills to run and strengthen any enterprise.

All while being challenged to solve social impact problems in Panama and gaining insight into the Panamanian culture and Panamas role in international trade. Social impact projects may include working with women founders in the , working with the Panama Canal Authority, or supporting the development of new technology innovation for social good with the National Secretariat for Science, Technology, and Innovation .

The curriculum in E2SI has been designed to create a unified, immersive experience for cohorts of students, so the program must be completed in a single summer. EGEN 2100 EGEN 3100 take place online May 28th through June 28th while EGEN 3200 and EGEN 4100 are held in Panama July 1st through July 19th.

Program Details

EGEN 2100: Creativity and Innovation: (1 credit) An introduction to various methods, practices, and tools that can be effectively used to develop creative solutions to problems.

EGEN 2150: Introduction to Entrepreneurial Technologies: (3 credits)  Students will gain a working understanding of technologies of interest to entrepreneurs.

EGEN 2200: Opportunity Identification and Business Principles: (3 credits) Foundation course for moving an idea from concept to reality.

EGEN 3100: Feasibility Analysis for Entrepreneurs: (3 credits) Learn and apply techniques to prove or disprove the technical and business feasibility of product and service concepts.

EGEN 3200: Product and Service Prototyping: (3 credits) Focused on the design and construction of a proof-of-principle prototype which demonstrates a product or service. 

EGEN 4100: Market, Finance, and Venture Plan (3 credits) Students will experience the detailed steps in designing and commercializing a product. 

The curriculum in E2SI has been designed to create a unified, immersive experience for cohorts of students, so the program must be completed in a single summer (courses cannot be taken individually). Classes take place online.

Program Dates - May 28 - July 19, 2024

May 28 - June 28: Virtual Learning

July 1 - 19: Abroad in Panama


Does not Include these estimated costs:

  • Roundtrip Flight to Panama - $1000
  • Lunch and Dinner (except when indicated) - $20-$30 daily     
  • Personal spending - $400
  • International Travel Health Insurance (required) - $100     

Required Deposit
The non-refundable $750 deposit due within two weeks of acceptance to the program will be deducted from the final program fee. 

Financial Aid
All students will be considered for funding support (based on financial need)
Recipients will be informed by April 1, 2024

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